Sunday, March 31, 2013

Enjoyed playing guqin with my 4 year old daughter

Aftermath of tropical thunderstorm in Singapore on Saturday evening. Enjoyed playing guqin with my 4 year old toddler daughter. Haha

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Wish you could display your guqin score on Microsoft Surface tablet??

If you've always wanted to display your guqin score sheet in front of you using a Microsoft Surface tablet, and if you're sick and tired of waiting for Windows Surface RT or Surface Pro to launch in Singapore, when most of the developed world have already been using Surface for months, you can now order it via (if you are in Singapore) from Microsoft China's official online store at

Monday, March 25, 2013

Banana leaf-shaped Guqin with interesting zigzag fingerboard pattern

Came across this banana leaf-shaped guqin with very interesting and rare zigzag patterns on its fingerboard. Source webpage:

Purchase it if you like it. If you are in Singapore, you can get it sea-freighted to you via

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Video: How to learn to play complete tunes in 1 or 2 sessions

How to learn to play complete new tunes in 1 or 2 sessions. Although the video focuses on guitar. It may apply to all kinds of musical instruments too, including the guqin. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013

11 March Japan quake & tsunami anniversary. Buy Natsune guqin strings.

11th March is the 2nd Japan quake & tsunami anniversary. The Japanese Yen has weakened considerably, so it's now a fantastic time for you to lend your support directly to the Japanese people and craftsmen by buying some guqin silk strings from Kyoto at this link (presented in Chinese language):

Tobaya guqin silk strings has the reputation of being very flexible and supposedly could be tuned to C pitch on the thickest 1st string, which is the same pitch on metal-nylon guqin strings. Buy a set for your guqin. Give it a try!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Research paper that may be related to Guqin playing

This very interesting research paper, by Valérie De Prycker, published in 2011, may be of interest to anyone who plays the guqin and who may be interested in pre-Buddhism, Spring Autumn Warring States-era early Chinese thoughts, such as the concept of Wu-Wei.


Abstract by Valérie De Prycker.  This paper both clarifies and broadens the notion of control and its relation to the self. By discussing instances of skillful absorption from different cultural backgrounds, I argue that the notion of control is not as closely related to self-consciousness as is often suggested. Experiences of flow and wu-wei exemplify a nonself-conscious though personal type of control. The intercultural occurrence of this type of behavioral control demonstrates its robustness, and questions two long-held intuitions about the relation between self-consciousness and the experience of control. The first intuition holds that the conscious self initiates and controls actions, thoughts, and feelings. The second is the view that losing this self-conscious type of control is a negative and upsetting experience. By focusing on “the paradox of control” in these experiences of skillful absorption, I argue that a feeling of control can occur without a self that narratively claims control. Furthermore, this type of control can be a very positive and pleasurable experience. Therefore, the common views of the notion of control are in need of broader conceptualization and further refinement.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Video: Number One Reason Why Learners of Musical Instruments Don't Improve

The Number One Reason Why Most Guitarists (or learners of other musical instruments) Don't Improve. Enjoy the video.

Saturday, March 2, 2013