Saturday, June 2, 2012

Video 5: 梅梢月 Mei Shao Yue section 1 - practice 1

Raw research video recording #1 of me trying to work through the score of Mei Shao Yue section 1, showing the mistakes and all. I was trying to get the pitch of the notes right first, before trying to practice some riffs a few times to try to build some memory of how to play them into my fingers.

I remember my daughter's (now retired) violin teacher, Mr Kang who said that the secret to playing a piece of music fast on a musical instrument is to play it 1000 times. My Guqin teacher, Mr John Thompson told me that I should play each Guqin tune 1000 times. Well, I would endeavor to play this tune many times (don't know if I can play 1000 times?!), but I would NOT conscientiously aim to speed up my playing. In fact, I would deliberately play each note slowly, and hopefully after many practice sessions, my fingers would gain more muscle memory and naturally play faster. (*smile*)

Video was recorded using Go Pro HD Hero 2 head cam.

Audio was recorded using Sony IC Recorder ICD-SX713 in Linear PCM recording mode.

Please feel free to use this video for your research paper. Just cite me in your References section. Thank you!

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